Chapter 6

1 When people started to increase in number on the earth and they had daughters,
2 God’s sons noticed that human women were beautiful, so they married any they wanted.
3 God said, “My spirit will not always argue with humans because they are mortal; their lifespan will be 120 years.”
4 There were giants on the earth long ago; and even later, when God’s sons married human women, and they had children, those children grew up to be strong and famous old-time heroes.
5 God saw that people were very wicked on earth, and all the thoughts in their hearts were always only evil.
6 God regretted making humans on the earth, and he felt deeply sad.
7 God said, I will wipe out humans whom I made from the earth; along with animals, creatures that crawl, and birds of the sky; because I regret that I made them.
8 Noah found favor with God.
9 These are Noah’s family records: Noah was a fair and blameless man among his people, and he lived close to God.
10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 The world was also bad in God’s eyes, and it was full of violence.
12 God saw the earth, and it was spoiled; all living things had ruined their ways on the earth.
13 God told Noah, “All living things are about to end because of me; the earth is full of violence because of them; and I will destroy them along with the earth.”
14 Build an ark with gopher wood; make rooms inside, and cover it inside and outside with tar.
15 Make the boat like this: It should be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.
16 Make a window for the ark, and finish it to a cubit from the top; put the door of the ark in its side, and make it with lower, second, and third decks.
17 Look, I will send a flood to cover the earth and destroy every living thing that breathes; everything on earth will die.
18 I will make my promise to you; you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives will go into the boat with you.
19 Take two of every kind of living creature, one male and one female, onto the ark to keep them alive with you.
20 Different kinds of birds, farm animals, and every kind of creature that crawls on the ground will come to you two by two to keep them alive.
21 Take for yourself every kind of food people eat; collect it, and it will be food for you and for them.
22 Noah did everything God told him to do.